Trump Campaign Rally - Hartford (2016)

Note, this was written in August 2024 to recreate a post which was lost. Old computer(s), Google Drive, Facebook, etc. were all searched for context, but only so much was able to be recovered. I will try to add some details, but as my memories has faded, this may well be all that I have left of that moment in time.

Most of them [protesters] don’t even know why they’re here.
— Donald Trump (15 April 2016)

I was just in Hartford and happened to be walking by this rally and counter protest.

There was a lot of shouting between the two groups and nasty words exchanged, with both sides capturing footage with their phones. There was some intense pointing and people getting in each other’s faces. There was a little shoving, and it felt like at any minute the whole crowd could melt down into a brawl, as it did following a canceled Trump rally in Chicago last month. But mass violence didn’t break out.
— Washington Post, Donald Trump on protesters in Hartford: ‘Most of them don’t even know why they’re here.’ ( : accessed 23 AUG 2024) citing Jenna Johnson

A few of the rascals from my picture gallery above can be seen in the WTNH Channel-8 video segment.

There were some really great people there, of course there were assholes too. It was getting good before I left, but I have better things to do; I’m going for a walk with Nicole Durham.
— Chi (Facebook, 5:51 PM, 15 April 2016)

At the time I had no opinion on Donald Trump, but did have ‘socialist tendencies’ so I spent some time talking with Bernie Sander’s supporters. I would go canvasing for Bernie a few days later.

I walked in some of the nicer parts of Torrington; no one was home.

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Saint Patrick’s Day - Boston (2016)